

Mean Maximum Temperature

The average daily maximum air temperature, for each month and as an annual statistics, calculated over all years of record.

Mean Minimum Temperature

The long-term average daily minimum air temperature observed during a calendar month and over the year.

Mean Relative Humidity Percent

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Relative humidity, expressed as a percent, measures the current absolute humidity relative to the maximum (highest point) for that temperature.

Mean Temperature

The average daily maximum and maximum air temperature, for each month and as an annual statistics, calculated over all years of record.

Monthly Mean Temperature

The average of the mean monthly maximum and minimum temperatures.


The amount of water falling in rain, snow, etc., within a given time and area, usually expressed as a hypothetical depth of coverage.

Relative Humidity Percent

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Relative humidity, expressed as a percent, measures the current absolute humidity relative to the maximum (highest point) for that temperature.

Date & Time

Date is the year-month-day and time is the hour-minutes-seconds which is an earthquake occurred time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

Latitude & Longitude

Latitude is the location of a point north or south of the equator, expressed in degrees with decimal.
Longitude is the location of a point east or west of prime meridian, expressed in degrees with decimal.


Magnitude is the size of an earthquake by recording ground shaking on a seismograph.

State & Region

State and region are the specific name in Myanmar.


Depth refers to the how much deep (kilometer) an earthquake occurred.


Location is a point on the earth's surface that is epicenter of an earthquake, usually near the center of the rupture area.

Catastrophic Occurrences, Losses and Relief

Department of Disaster Management provides relief assistance in cash or/and in kind to those who suffered from natural and manmade disasters such as fire, floods, cyclone, earthquake, thunder lighting stroke, landslide, conflict and others. The provision of assistance is based on the data confirmed by the local administrative authorities or/and regional Department of Disaster Management.

Causes of Fire and Losses

Fire Services Department is responsible for fire safety activities like fire precaution, fire prevention and firefighting as well as for search and rescue activities in case of natural disasters and other emergencies. The information related to the response of the operation and losses of damages are recorded by Fire Services Department.


The territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of nation.


It is a specific area defined by having its own characteristics.


States and Regions are divided into districts, which in turn are subdivided into townships then towns, wards and villages.


An administrative division of a country.


An urban area with a fixed boundary that is smaller than a city or any more urbanized center than the place of reference.


A division or district of a city or town, as for administrative or political purposes.

Village Tract

A group of adjacent villages.


The region where the boundary is stipulated and formed under the Ward or Village Tract Administration Law which is not included in the estate within the relevant town boundary.

Urban Area

Areas classified by the General Administration Department as wards. Generally, these areas have an increased density of building structures, population and better infrastructural development.

Rural Area

Areas classified by the General Administration Department as village tracts. Generally, they are areas with low population density and a land use which is predominantly agricultural.

Total Population

It is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all persons who were within the borders of Myanmar on the night of 29th March 2014 (Census Night). All Myanmar people working in its embassies abroad and their families were counted in the census. The estimates of people who were not enumerated in a few areas in Shan State, Kachin State and Kayin State in the census.

Population Density

The Population density relates to the number of person in a give administrative area to the surface of the area, expressed in square kilometers (km2).

Total Dependency Ratio

A measure of the portion of a population which is composed of dependents (people who are too young or too old to work). It is equal to the number of people aged below 15 or above 64 divided by the number of individuals aged 15 to 64, expressed as a percentage. It is the sum of the youth dependency ratio and the old-age dependency ratio.

Dependency Ratio

The number of dependent population per 100 working-age population.

Old Age Dependency Ratio

People older than 64 to the working-age population (aged 15-64). Data are shown as the proportion of dependents per 100 working-age population.

Child Dependency Ratio

The ratio of child population (people younger than 15 years) to the productive-age population (aged 15-64).

Aging Index

The number of persons 60 years old or over per hundred persons under age 15.

Foreigners Residing

A person who is not a citizen of Myanmar in which he or she is residing or temporarily staying.


Certified Veterinarian

A person who has been certified and is employed by a licensed veterinarian.

Child Malnourishment: NCHS and WHO Standards

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) introduced new child growth standards for use in deriving indicators of nutritional status, such as stunting, wasting and underweight. These standards are based on the growth of infants from six different regions of the world who were fed according to WHO and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) feeding recommendations, had a non-smoking mother, had access to primary health care and did not have any serious constraints on health during infancy or early childhood. It is recommended that these new growth standards replace the previously recommended international growth reference devised by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) in the United States. The prevalence of malnutrition estimated using WHO standards is expected to differ from that based on the NCHS growth reference because there are differences in median weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height between the two. (

Development of Border Area and National Races

Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department carry out development program in the border areas- 21 regions. They are (1) Kachin State (2) Kayah State (3) Kayin State (4) Chin State (5) Mon State (6) Rakhine State (7) Shan State (8) Pa-O self Administered Zone (9) Palaung self Administered Zone (10) Danu self Administered Zone (11) Kokang self Administered Zone (12) Wa self Administered Zone (13) Sagaing Region (14) Naga self Administered Zone (15) Taninthayi Region (16) Bago Region (17) Yangon Region (18) Ayeyawady Region (19) Mandalay Region (20) Magway Region and (21) Nay Pyi Taw.

Fatality Rate

Ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1,000 per year.

Health Structures

They are articulated in General and Specialist Hospitals, Dispensaries, Health Centers by State, Region and Township level.

Indigenous Medical Practitioner

A person whose primary employment role is to diagnose physical and mental illnesses, disorders and injuries. He prescribes medications and treatments based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous of traditional medicine that promote or restore good health.

International Classification of Diseases

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the foundation for the identification of health trends and statistics globally, and the international standard for reporting diseases and health conditions. It is the diagnostic classification standard for all clinical and research purposes. Uses include monitoring of the incidence and prevalence of diseases, observing reimbursements and resource allocation trends, and keeping track of safety and quality guidelines. They also include the counting of deaths as well as diseases, injuries, symptoms, reasons for encounter, factors that influence health status, and external causes of disease. The first international classification edition, known as the International List of Causes of Death, was adopted by the International Statistical Institute in 1893. WHO was entrusted with the ICD at its creation in 1948 and published the 6th version, ICD-6, that incorporated morbidity for the first time. The WHO Nomenclature Regulations, adopted in 1967, stipulated that Member States use the most current ICD revision for mortality and morbidity statistics. The ICD has been revised and published in a series of editions to reflect advances in health and medical science over time. ICD-10 was endorsed in May 1990 by the Forty-third World Health Assembly. It is cited in more than 20,000 scientific articles and used by more than 100 countries around the world. (

Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months)

Child immunization measures the percentage of children aged 12-23 months who received vaccinations before 12 months or at any time before the survey. A child is considered adequately immunized against measles after receiving one dose of vaccine. (

Iodized Salt Consumption Rate

Consumption of iodized salt refers to the percentage of households who use edible salt fortified with iodine.

Lady Health Visitor

She is a qualified nurse or midwife with post-registration experience who has undertaken further training and education in child health.

Public Health Supervisor

It is a highly responsible leadership and supervisory position within the Department of Public Health.

Social Welfare Establishment

The schools and centers run by the Department of Social Welfare provide various types of welfare services to those who are received in respective institutions. The Government establishes Women's Development Centers and Vocational Training Centers for Women to provide institutional care, health care, counseling, vocational training through income generation activities and teaching of 3Rs. In the training schools for boys and girls, orphans and abandoned ones are accepted. Some boys and girls aged over 5 years are handed from Residential Nurseries and some ones are admitted under the Child Law (2019). Children are given care, social support, formal education and vocational training. Department of Social Welfare is implementing Mother Circles in States and Regions, especially wards, village tracks and villages. Department of Social welfare is providing financial and material support for the Mother Circles including nutrition, personal hygiene and simulating places for children under 5 years whose mothers must work outside of the home. Department of Social Welfare is implementing the Early Childhood intervention services in Yangon Region, Ayeyarwaddy Region, Sagaing Region, and Mon State. Early Childhood intervention is to provide early childhood assessment and support services for children from birth to 5 year of age. The Government also takes responsibility to ensure basic rights of the persons with disabilities and development of their lives. The Department of Social Welfare is carrying out institution- based care for the persons with disabilities by 8 training schools. Adult persons with disability are being provided such as Computer, Hair Dressing, Photography, Silk Screen Printing, Tailoring, and Radio and Electronic Trainings annually. Visually impaired children are being provided to learn formal education (primary, middle and high) by braille letter, joining in inclusive education programme. Hearing- Impaired Children are being trained by Audio and Speech Therapy. And also, they are provided to learn formal education by using Sign Language. Children who impaired intellectual and physical are being practiced to manage themselves in Activities of their Daily Living -ADL, adaptability in society, and providing special education system (writing, reading, and calculating) in the school for the children with disabilities. The Children with Disabilities who have not parents or guardian are being taken care and making practicing in their Activities of Daily Living-ADL and providing special education in the Disabled Care Center. Day Care Center for the Aged run by the Department of Social Welfare is located in Yangon and is carrying out the task for dignified, active and healthy life of older people as an important task. Social Pension Program is being implemented to promote older person's dignity to improve income security, to fulfill the basic needs and to provide necessary health care services of older persons. Maternal and Child Cash Transfer Program (MCCT) is now being implemented in Chin State, Rakhine State, Naga Self-administered Region, Kayin States, Kayah States, Shan States and Ayeyarwaddy Region. In the 2020-2021 financial year, the program will be implemented in Kachin State. MCCT is carried out in these areas according to high stunting rates and it is planning to extend step by step. Its aim is to improve dietary intake, dietary diversity, afford basic healthcare essential during pregnancy and birth, improve feeding of young children and afford basic health care essential during early childhood. Social Welfare services are implemented not only by Government but also by NGOs establishing schools and homes. Government provides grants-in-aids to Voluntary Organizations with rice, financial support for food, clothes and salary of the administrators of the Voluntary Pre-primary Schools, Voluntary Youth Development Centre, Voluntary Vocational Training School for Women, Voluntary School for the Persons with Disability and Home for the Aged every year according to the rules and regulations. Voluntary pre-primary schools are also provided with cash and technical assistance. Social protection Programs have been prioritized and implemented step by step for most vulnerable groups to protect and prevent from socio-economic risks and shocks as well as to promote their well-being.

The government establishes eleven Schools for Home Science to provide livelihood skills for women. In Center for Women Care and Development (Twantay and Mandalay), convicted student girls and girls taken in care according to Article 57(a) of the Child Rights Law, mental disorder and disabilities student girls are accepted in order to get taught vocational trainings, medical care, health awareness on psychology and physical individual counseling and teaching life skills.

"One Stop Women Support Centre- OSWSC" has been opened in Yangon, Mandalay, Lashio, Mawlamyaing and Loikaw and Monywar to provide safe spaces and necessary services for victims of sexual and domestic violence from all over the country. The centres offer medical check-ups, shelter for mothers and children, legal advice on their rights and support in the event of a prosecution. In terms of support programme, the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement provided cash assistance for attending legal and court hearing as well as for rehabilitation and livelihood support to women/ girls.

Volume of Government Insurance Business

Data are referred to the number of insurance policy, the amount of insured value and premium, the paid claims of main insurances written by the state-owned Myanmar Insurance. The Government started life insurance business on 1st January 1957, and all other insurances business, such as fire, marine, accidents, etc., on 1st October 1961. With a view to safe guarding the interest of general public, the Government introduced third party insurance scheme on 6th July 1976. Formerly "Air Travel Insurance" was shown in a separate column. Now, it is incorporated under the "Miscellaneous" column since its role is getting smaller.


Age-Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR)

The age-specific fertility rate measures the annual number of births to women of a specified age or age group per 1,000 women in that age group. Unless otherwise specified, the reference period for the age-specific fertility rates is the calendar year.

Age-Specific Mortality Rate (ASMR)

The age-specific mortality rate (ASMR), also called the age-specific death rate, for a given population, a given age, and a given year, refers to the number of deaths in that year to people of that age for every 1000 people of that age.

Cause Specific Death Rate

Cause-specific death rate is the number of deaths from a specified cause per 100,000 person-years at risk. The numerator is typically restricted to resident deaths in a specific geographic area.

Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

The number of live births occurring in a population during a given period of time, usually a calendar year, i.e., the number of live births occurring among the population of given geographical area during a given year, per 1,000 mid-year total population of that area during the same year.

Crude Death Rate (CDR)

The number of deaths occurring in a population during a given period of time, usually a calendar year, i.e., the number of deaths occurring among the population of given geographical area during a given year, per 1,000 mid-year total population of that area during the same year.

Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)

The number of infant deaths occurring during the same period of time, usually a calendar year, i.e., the number of deaths of live-born children under 1 year of age occurring in a given geographical area during a given year, per 1,000 live births occurring among the population of that area during the same year.

Life Expectancy at birth

Life expectancy at birth is defined as the average number of years that a newborn could expect to live if he or she were to pass through life subject to the age-specific mortality rates of a given period.

Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)

The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is the ratio of the number of maternal deaths during a given time period per 100,000 live births during the same time-period. A maternal death refers to a female death from any cause related to or aggravated by pregnancy or its management (excluding accidental or incidental causes) during pregnancy and childbirth or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy.

Natural Increase Rate

The rate of natural increase refers to the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths occurring in a year, divided by the mid-year population of that year, multiplied by a factor (usually 1,000). It is equal to the difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death rate.

Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

Total fertility rate (TFR) in simple terms refers to total number of children born or likely to be born to a woman in her life time if she were subject to the prevailing rate of age-specific fertility in the population.

Under Five Mortality Rate (U5MR)

The under-five mortality rate is the probability (expressed as a rate per 1,000 live births) of a child born in a specified year dying before reaching the age of five if subject to current age-specific mortality rates.

Verbal Autopsy

Verbal autopsy (VA) is a method of determining individuals' causes of death and cause-specific mortality fractions in populations without a complete vital registration system. Verbal autopsies consist of a trained interviewer using a questionnaire to collect information about the signs, symptoms, and demographic characteristics of a recently deceased person from an individual familiar with the deceased.

The IHME PHMRC shortened questionnaire and diagnostic algorithm called SmartVA analyze (Tariff2) are used to explore the community causes of death. The VA is collected on all community deaths in 42 townships across all states and regions of Myanmar to obtain information that is broadly nationally representative of the causes of death in the community in Myanmar.

Medical Certification of Causes of Death

In principle, hospitals with physicians should routinely record deaths by date and place of occurrence, age and sex of the decedent, and cause of death (COD). COD should be certified by a physician using the World Health Organization International Form of Medical Certificate of Cause of Death. The COD should be coded according to International Classification of Diseases (ICD) standards.

Integration of Community and Hospital Causes of Death

The causes of community death are ascertained using the Verbal Autopsy method. For the hospital deaths, the causes of death are medically certified by doctors and coded using International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). The causes of death of community and hospital deaths are combined to show the complete mortality pattern for 42 townships across 15 states and regions in Myanmar, which is broadly representative of the national mortality pattern. Firstly, the total number of community deaths for 42 townships by cause is estimated using the cause specific mortality fractions of the verbal autopsy data and the estimated number of community deaths by age and sex in the 42 townships (estimated by calculating the completeness of VA reporting). The individual causes of death of hospital deaths are categorized and mapped to the VA cause list by age-group. Finally, the causes of death of the community and hospital deaths are integrated for each age group (0 to 28 days, 29 days to 11 years and above 12 years), weighted by the number of hospital and community deaths.



Offense for which the main penalty of imprisonment, fine and some accessory penalties ( i.e. interdiction from Public Offices ) are provided.


People sentenced under measures restricting freedom, held in prison in pre-trial detention or serving a sentence.

Traffic Accidents

The Vienna Convention of 1968 defines the accident as the fact that occurred in streets or squares open to traffic where vehicles( or animals ) are involved still or moving , and from which they are derived injury. They exclude traffic accidents with only property damage.


B.Ed Correspondence Course of the Education of the University of Education

Correspondence course in education is given to in-service graduate teachers. They are accepted in the Yangon University of Education (which was established on 1967-1968 academic year) and Sagaing University of Education (which was opened in 2000-2001 academic year).

Monastic Education

With the aim of providing the needy children and various parts of the country with education and enabling them to become culturally refined citizen, 1,506 Monastic Education Schools have been opened in 248 townships, attended by a total of 29,533 novices, 19,332 nuns, 129,879 boy-students and 125,717 girl-students in the 2018-2019 academic year. Donations for Monastic Education are offered not only by people within the country but also by people from abroad.

Pupil Teacher ratio

The average number of pupils (students) per teacher as a specific level of education (primary, middle, high) in a given school-year.

The School System

It is divided into three levels: primary, middle, high. Data on Schools, Teachers and Students are disaggregated by Level, States and Regions.

The new system of Matriculation Examination was introduced in 2001-2002 academic year in order to enable students to study their preferred subject combinations. Students are provided extensive and in-depth instruction of individual subjects and taught at International Level. They are required to take Myanmar, English and Mathematics as compulsory subjects and a combination of 3 subjects- Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, Economics and Optional Myanmar – Constituting and 8 subjects combination at the level of Basic Education High School as follows;

(1) Economics, Physics and Chemistry
(2) Geography, History and Economics
(3) Geography, History and Optional Myanmar
(4) History, Economics and Optional Myanmar
(5) History, Physics and Chemistry
(6) Optional Myanmar, Physics and Chemistry
(7) Physics, Chemistry and Biology
(8) Geography, Physics and Chemistry

The University System

It is divided into Universities and Degree Colleges. Classes at the institutes of higher learning were suspended during 1989 and 1990 and reopened in 1991. No examinations were held from 1988 to 1990. Dagon University and the National University of Arts and Culture, Yangon and Mandalay were opened in 1993. University of Computer Studies (Yangon) was opened in 1987, Mandalay was opened in 1997 and Other Computer Colleges were upgraded as Computer Universities on 20th January 2007. The International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University was opened in 1998. Institute of Medicine (Magway), University of Kyaukse and West Yangon were opened in 2001. Meiktila, Hinthada Degree Colleges were upgraded to University in 2001. Myanmar Aerospace and Engineering University was opened in 2002.

Myanmar Maritime University (MMU) was established in 1st August 2002 by the military government per the Myanmar Maritime University Act (The State Peace and Development Council Law No.1/2002). It is the premier university of maritime education in Myanmar. MMU, administered by the Ministry of Transportation, offers five-year bachelor's degree programs and two-year post-graduate diplomas in various marine and naval disciplines. However, Myanmar Maritime University changed to six-year Bachelors degree programs except Nautical Science in 2012-2013 Academic Year. MMU is one of the most selective universities in Myanmar as MMU is to produce well competent qualified naval architects, marine engineers and scientists. Admissions are based primarily on the marks received in the university entrance examinations. Mingyun, Mohnyin Degree Colleges were opened in 2003. West Yangon Technological University (WYTU) was opened in 2005. University of Public Health, Yangon was opened in 2007. Sagaing University, Taung Gok and Mandalar Colleges were opened in 2012. Hakha Degree College was opened in 2016-2017.

Vocational Trainees

Associate of Government Technology Institute (A.G.T.I) three years course were commenced in 2013-2014 Academic Year at the Government Technical Colleges and Government Technical institute under the Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (DTVET). The number of students who attended the Bachelor of Engineering Courses at the Government Technical Institutes and Government Technical Colleges under DTVET shows Table (5.13).


Housing Characteristics

According to the Statistics Law of Myanmar, the Myanmar Living Conditions Survey (MLCS) 2017 was conducted by the Central Statistical Organization. The MLCS focuses on the living conditions of households of Myanmar in 2017 and especially it identifies significant correlates of poverty in its many dimensions by making an in-depth analysis and how these conditions contribute to and characteristic welfare in Myanmar. It is also provided the information of assess the asset base of households, including the monetary and non-monetary poverty and welfare in greater detail. In particular, it is described closely at differences across consumption quintiles in order to provide a more nuanced picture of welfare in Myanmar.

National Library Statistics

The functions of the National Library are acquisition, data processing, circulation and library development along with the timeline and advanced information and communication technology. Library provide the documents and papers required by Government Agencies and to provide services to the students, researchers and public for their easy use of library materials for references from 1984 onward, the library is opening to the public.

Published Books

According to the Printing and Publishing Law 2014, Ministry of Information give the notification certificates to all printers and publishers. All the printers and publishers shall be send what they publish (Books, Magazines, Journals, Newspaper and etc.) to Information and Public Relation Department under the Ministry of Information, according to this law.

Seizure of Narcotic Drugs

Currently, all the drug seizure cases are being prosecuted under the law of 1993 Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law which was amended on 14th February 2018. The Law calls for control of precursor chemicals and psychotropic substances and money laundering, associated with illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Video Services

All Videos produced, editing, filming, production, duplicated, distributed, exhibited and rented and karaoke according the Myanma Television and Video Act, which was laid down in 1985 according to the Pyithu Hluttaw Act, Act No.12, amended in 1996.


Employment through Labour Exchange Offices

Job-seekers who are registered at Township Labour Exchange Offices (18 Labour Exchange Offices in Yangon and 73 Labour Exchange Offices in other States and Regions.)

Employment to Population Ratio

The proportion of an economy's working-age population that is employed. It provides information on the ability of an economy to create jobs.

Labour Force Participation Rate

The Labour Force Participation Rate is a measure of the proportion of a country's working-age population that engages actively in the labour market, either by working or looking for work; It porvides an indication of the size of the supply of labour available to engage in production of goods and services, ralative to the population at working age.

Overseas Employment

Department of Labour is providing services (through overseas employment licensed agencies) for overseas employment in fast and easy way and signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) and Bi-lateral agreements with labour receiving countries.

Labour Force

Persons who are either in employment or in unemployment as defined above constitute the labour force. The sum of persons in employment and in unemployment equals to the labour force.

Outside Labour Force

Persons outside the labour force are those of working age that neither in employment nor in unemployment in a short reference period.


Persons in employment are defined as all those of working age, who during a reference period of seven days, engage in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or a kind of profit. They comprise:

(1) "Employed persons at work", i.e. those who worked for at least one-hour long job;

(2) "Employed persons not at work" due to temporary absence from a job or different time arrangements (such as shift work, flexitime and compensatory leave for overtime).


Persons in unemployment are defined as all those of working age who do not have a job but are looking for a job during a specified period and are available to start working if they get a job.

Labour underutilization

It refers to mismatch between labour supply and demand, which translates into an unmet need for employment among the population. Measures of Labour Underutilization are as below:

(a) Time-related Underemployment: Based on the amended Factory Act 1951, it refers to those who are willing and available to engage in other work, as their existing working hours is less than 44 hours per week;

(b) Unemployment: It refers to an unemployed person who is currently searching for and available for the job;

(c) Potential Labour Force: It refers to an unemployed person who is willing to work, but being in a condition limited to their job search and/or availability.


Youth means when one is young or in the age range before adulthood. The United Nations (UN), for statistical purposes, defines 'youth', as the individuals between 15-24 years. This UN definition is used in the annual labour force survey, 2020.


In accordance with the ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention No. 182 (1999) and the United Nations Convention on the Righits of the Child, a child is defined as an individual under 18 years of age. For this survey, the target population for measuring child labour include all persons in the age group from 5 to 17 years, where age is measured as the number of completed years at the child's last birthday.

Child Labour

In Myanmar, there is no official definition of child labour, yet. Therefore, the definition referred in accordance with the 18th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (18thICIS) resolution, the amended articles by 1951 Factory Act and the 2016 Shops and Establishments Law, where working children of the following types are considered as Child Labour:

(1) Age 5 years and under 18 years engaged in hazardous work for pay or profit for at least one hour per week or working in the night time (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) for pay or profit; (OR)

(2) Age between 5 years and under 14 years and engaged for at least one hour per week for pay or profit; (OR)

(3) Age between 14 years and under 16 years and engaged for more than 24 hours per week for pay or profit; (OR)

(4) Age between 16 years and under 18 years and engaged in work more than 44 hours a week for pay or profit.

The rest of working children are not regarded as chlid labour and are labelled as "working children other than child labour".

Social Security Scheme

Social Security Scheme has been introduced in Myanmar by Social Security Act, 1954 which came into enforce on 1st January 1956. Now, Social Security Law, 2012, was enacted and it has been implementing since 1st April 2014 in line with the international standard.

There are six types of social insurance systems in Social Security Law, 2012. Now only the two insurance systems: Health and Social Care Insurance System and Employment Injury Benefit Insurance System which have been implementing as follow:

(a) Health and Social Care Insurance System (If the insured person is within 60 years of age at the time of initial registration, 2% by the employer and 2% by the worker, totally contribution for 4% and if the insured person is over 60 years of age at the time of initial registration, 2.5 percent by the employer and 2.5 percent by the worker, totally contribution for 5%.)

(b) Employment Injury Benefit Insurance System (Only the employer shall pay contribution for 1 %.)

The insured workers who have paid contribution under Social Security Law, 2012, shall entitle medical treatment in time of sickness, confinement and employment injury at the establishment for any cause and the following cash benefits:

(a) Sickness Benefit of insured person (has the right to enjoy 60 percent of average wage of the previous four months as cash benefit relation to sickness up to 26 weeks.)

(b) Maternity Benefit of female insured worker (has the right to enjoy 70 percent of average wage of a year as cash benefit relating to maternity up to 14 weeks and then if it is the twin delivery which has the right to enjoy another four weeks for the child care.)

(c) Maternity expense of the female insured workers (has the right to enjoy 50 percent for single delivery, 75 percent for twin delivery and 100 percent for triplet delivery and above of average wage of a month.)

(d) Miscarriage benefit of the female insured (has the right to enjoy 70 percent of average wage of a year as cash benefit relating to miscarriage up to 6 weeks.)

(e) Adoption of the child under 1 year of the female insured worker (has the right to enjoy 70 percent of average wage of a year as cash benefit relating to adopt up to 8 weeks.)

(f) Paternity Benefit of the male insured (has the right to enjoy 70 percent of average wage of previous one year and 15 days leave for infant care on confinement of his insured wife.)

(g) Maternity expense of the male insured for paternity whose wife is an uninsured (has the right to entitled half of maternity expense.)

(h) Medical treatment benefit for her child on confinement of female insured (has the right to take medical treatment for her child up to one year.)

(i) Funeral Expense (if the insured person is deceased for any cause, for a person nominate or dependent of those insured that they can be claimed to entitled up to maximum of five times from one time for funeral expense.)

(j) Medical Treatment for Retired (insured civil services after retiring who has the right to take the continuously medical treatment if it had paid contribution for 180 months and above under the combined of the Social Security Law, 2012 and Social Security Act 1954.)

(k) Temporary Disability Benefit (has the right to entitled 70 percent of average wage of a month within four months prior to occupational accident from the date of incapacity for work, to a maximum of 12 months for reducing or ceasing of earning by reasons of incapable to work of employment injury under medical certificate.)

(l) Permanent Disability Benefit (has the right to entitled five years to nine years in lump sum with calculation based on 70 percent of average wage of a month of the partial capacity and total loss of capacity for work due to employment injury.)

(m) Survivors' Benefit for deceased of employment injury (has the right to entitled 30 times up to 80 times based on contribution of the insured person.)


Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

The monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period. Though GDP is usually on an annual basis, it can be calculated on a quarterly basis as well. GDP includes all private and public consumption, government outlays, investments and exports minus imports that occur within a defined territory.

. Gross domestic product is an aggregate measure of production equal to the sum of the gross values added of all resident institutional units engaged in production (plus any taxes, and minus any subsidies, on products not included in the value of their outputs).

. The sum of the final uses of goods and services (all uses except intermediate consumption) measured in purchasers' prices, less the value of imports of goods and services, or the sum of primary incomes distributed by resident producer units.

Per Capita GDP

The total output of a country that takes the gross domestic product (GDP) divided by the number of people in the country. The per capita GDP is especially useful when comparing one country to another because it shows the relative performance of the countries. A rise in per capita GDP signals growth in the economy and tends to translate as an increase in productivity.

Real Economic Growth Rate

A measure of economic growth from one period to another expressed as a percentage and adjusted for inflation (i.e. expressed in real as opposed to nominal terms ).



Land are classified into reserved forests, current fallows, net area sown, cultivable waste land, other wood land and others.


Crops are classified into Cereals, Oilseeds, Pulses, Spices and Condiments, Tobacco and Betel, Vegetables and Fruits, Beverage, Fibre and Miscellaneous.


Permanent forest estate

Permanent forest estate means forest area that is designated by law or regulation to be retained as forest and may not be converted to other land use. Permanent Forest Estate includes three categories:

-Reserved Forest

-Protected Public Forest

-Protected Area System

Reserved forest and protected public forest area

Reserved forest means land constituted as a reserved forest under Myanmar Forest Law 2018.

Protected Public Forest

Protected Public Forest means land declared to be protected public forest under Myanmar.

Protected Area System

Protected area means a geographically defined area which is designated or regulated and managed to achieve specific conservation objectives.


Housing Development

The National Housing and Town and Country Development Board which was formed in October 1951, was reorganized and reconstituted into Housing Board at the end of 1965. In March 1972, along with the general reorganization of all government departments, the Housing Board became the Housing Corporation and was later renamed as Housing Department. With effect from 1st July 1990, Housing Department was again renamed as Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development. It was charged with planning and execution of all residential housing schemes undertaken by the State. But the responsibility for actual construction work was entrusted to the Construction Corporation which was renamed in April 1989 as Public Works. With effect from 1st April 2015, Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development, was reformed as Department of Urban and Housing Development.

In Public Sector, residential buildings were constructed by Department of Urban and Housing Development. In Private Sector, private contractors are permitted to construct residential buildings by City Development Committee.

Private Buildings

Number of applications submitted to and approved by the Yangon City Development Committee, Mandalay City Development Committee and construction completed. They are classified into two categories viz., (a) new buildings and (b) extension and repairs.

School Construction

Schools were constructed by the Ministry of Construction and Private contractors.


The bridges were constructed by the Ministry of Border Affairs and Ministry of Construction.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise in Manufacturing Sector

Myanmar's manufacturing sector is at the heart of the country's commercial landscape. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Business Practice Intervention survey in Myanmar was conducted to provide an analysis of Myanmar's manufacturing sector. This survey was operated the enterprises in a total of 14 States and Regions including Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory, operating in 33 townships, contributed to the study. In total, some 2,068 of the MEMS panel of the enterprises gave commentary, for which an analysis of 1,811 firms could be undertaken. The study used the Myanmar Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) codes to classify output. Only firms producing items in the MSIC 2-digit codes 10-33 were eligible for selection. The information of enterprises are business information, sales structure, production, production quantity and pricing, revenue and costs, assets, investments, labour issues, business management practices and the intervention on business practies.


Tourist (or overnight visitor)

A tourist (or overnight visitor) is defined as a person travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for one purpose (United Nations World Tourism Organization).


A visitor is a traveller taking a trip to a main destination outside his/her usual environment, for less than a year, for any main purpose (business, leisure or other personal purpose) other than to be employed by a resiednt entity in the country or place visited (United Nations World Tourism Organization).

On 1st October, 2018 visa exemption is permitted for Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China and Macau Special Administrative Region of China and visa on arrival is permitted for China as one year trial period.

And then visa on arrival is permitted for India on 1st December, 2018 as one year trial period.

The visa exemption and visa on arrival permitted on 1st October, 2018 is extended up to 30th September, 2020. And visa on arrival for India is also extended up to 30th November, 2020 as the next one year trial period.

On 1st October, 2019 adding on to the visa on arrival is also started to permit for six Europe countries of Australia, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain and Switzerland. This effect is also as one year trial period.


Balance of Payments

The Balance of Payments is a statistical statement that summarizes transactions between residents and nonresidents during a period. It consists of the current account, the capital account, and the financial account. The current account shows flows of goods, services, primary income, and secondary income between residents and nonresidents. The capital account shows credit and debit entries for non- produced nonfinancial assets and capital transfers between residents and nonresidents. The financial account shows net acquisition and disposal of financial assets and liabilities. (Balance of Payments manual-6 (BPM-6))

Coverage of Foreign Trade Statistics

Data include government and private exports and imports on trade account, gifts, aids, and parcel posts. Sale of goods, whether foreign or national to all foreign trading ships are included in export statistics. All data exclude exports and imports under military accounts. Exports and imports under diplomatic privileges have been excluded since 1966. Starting from November 1988, when border trade was opened, the total foreign trade data include border trade.

Export declaration forms and import declaration forms filled by the respective exporters and importers and checked by customs officials constitute the major source of information in compiling foreign trade statistics. Since 2001-2002, all exports and imports statistics are obtained from the customs department. Starting from 2016-2017(April to March), the trade data on electricity have been provided by the Ministry of Electricity and Energy. In addition, the trade data on aviation fuel has included in 2018-2019 (October to September).


Domestic exports are exports of national products. All exports are domestic exports plus re-exports from bond and other than from bond. Exports were formerly recorded according to the date of shipment have; since November 1967, they are recorded according to the date of completion of consignment. Exports are credited to the country of final destination or of ultimate consumption. Exports are valued at Free on Board (FOB), namely at port or place of dispatch of exporting country.


They are the sum of goods released direct from Customs wharves for domestic consumption (direct imports for consumption) and goods passed to be bonded (imports into bond). Imports were formerly recorded according to the date of payment of duty have; since November 1967 they are recorded as of the date of arrival of goods. Imports are credited to the country of primary origin or production. Imports are valued at Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF), namely at port or place of arrival of the country.

Import and Export Indices

Quantum Indices of exports and imports are computed to gauge the changes in the quantity of external trade when the effects on price movements are eliminated. Unit value indices are designed to provide means of measuring changes in the average unit value of commodities exported or imported.

Trade Category-General import figures and domestic export figures for certain selected commodities are used in computing the indices and include trade under private and government accounts.

Method - Both the Quantum and the Price Indices are of the aggregative type computed with Laspeyre's formula. The unit sale of each commodity is the CIF or FOB per unit value of general imports and domestic exports respectively. Base year are 1985-1986, 2000-2001, 2005-2006, 2010-2011 and 2015-2016.

Myanmar Investment Law

The Myanmar Investment Law was enacted on 18th October 2016, integrating Foreign Investment Law (2012) and the Myanmar Citizens Investment Law (2013) to create a fairer and more level playing field between foreign and domestic investors as well as to create a better investment environment.

Myanmar Citizen Investor

Myanmar Citizen Investor means a citizen who invests within the Union. In this expression, Myanmar companies and branch offices, and other enterprises established and registered in accordance with the Myanmar Companies Law are included.

Foreign Investment

Foreign Investment means any direct investment made by a foreign investor within the Union.

Permitted Amount

The permitted amount means the investment amount of the approved investment projects by the Myanmar Investment Commission.



Railway Transport, Airways Transport, Road Transport and Inland Water Transport.


One passenger-mile corresponds to the transport of one passenger over one mile.

Freight Ton-Mile

One freight ton-mile corresponds to the transport of one ton of freight over one mile.

Railway Transport

Data represent the operation on all railway lines in the country except railways serving plantation, forests, mines or industrial plants. Statistics relating to diesel locomotives do not include diesel rail cars.

Airways Transport

It includes public and private sectors for all traffic, both revenue and non-revenue, performed by the Myanmar International Airlines on scheduled services, non-scheduled services, special and charter services. Data relating to cargo represent the total freight, baggage and mail irrespective of whether the freight is charged or not.

Road Transport

Passenger statistics include bus and taxi services. Passenger tickets and haulage form the basis for compilation of passenger statistics and freight statistics respectively. Road statistics include Union arterial highways and highways for Myanmar proper only. With the establishment of the new administration in March 1972, data for the year 1972-73 and after, include road under States administration.

Inland Water Transport

Inland water transport statistics are related to all traffic of powered vessels of the government functioning on commercial lines.

Shipping Statistics

They include fishing vessels, pleasure craft, tanker, container vessels, general cargo and passenger vessels except military vessels on government duty.

Communications Statistics

Statistics on perfomance of posts and telecommunications services are obtained from the Posts and Telecommunications Department, Myanma Posts and Telecommunications (MPT), Myanmar Posts and Yatanarpon Teleport, while data on television relay stations are provided by Myanma Radio and Television. Cellular Mobile Telephone System was begun in Yangon and Mandalay in 1993 and 1996. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) has introduced in Yangon and Mandalay in 2003 and extended to other states and regions very soon.

MPT provides internet services to some government agencies and private companies with an initial capacity of 400 dial-up lines since 1998. In 2014, Posts and Telecommunications Department allowed private sector inclusion in mobile phone and internet services. At present, public service provider, MPT and private service providers such as Telenor, Ooredoo, Mytel are providing mobile telephone services and internet services in all over the country. Internet and Mobile phone subscription has been dramatically increasing since 2014.


Retail Price

Retail price means the price of a good or product when it is sold to the end user for consumption, not for resale through a third-party distribution channel.

Average Retail Prices

Central Statistical Organization collects average retail prices of commodity from the selected markets in the municipal area of Yangon City as well as all other cities of (82) Townships.

Wholesale Price

The cost of a goods sold by a wholesaler.

Average Wholesale Prices

Wholesale prices are collected directly from the wholesale centers in Yangon by monthly.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

The Consumer Price Index measures the changes in price of goods and services from a household's expenditure. Movements in the price index reflect changes in the average household expenditure. The index is a measurement unit designed to show changes in price level over time through comparison to a base year. The price index is equal to 100 for the base year. CPI uses a base year of 2012. The changes in prices of goods and services are calculated in reference to the base year for monthly or annual figures showing a ratio or percentage. A measure of the overall level of prices shows the cost of a fixed basket of consumer goods relative to the cost of the same basket in a base year.

The 2012 base year computes CPI by using the following Modified Laspeyres's Price Index formula:

Commodity Basket

Commodity basket also called basket of goods. A collection of products, raw materials and services which are comprised the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over a period. The basket typically indicates consumer buying behavior across a diverse set of offerings.

The 2012 CPI introduces the UN COICOP classification. The classification is used internationally possible to make international comparison of inflation at more detailed levels. The 2012 CPI basket has 274 products and services, 108 food items, 166 non-food items including goods and services. There are new 116 items in the index, for example new and used cars, mobile phones and mobile phone charges and computers, etc. 2012 CPI based on only non-purchased items are excluded from total expenditure.


An increasing overall level of prices is rising in the long period.

Inflation Rate

The percentage increase in the price of goods and services, usually, annually. The inflation rate means the average price of commodities has risen for a long period of time, that situation refers total demand is higher than total supply. In other words, the inflation rate shows climbing price index.

When the inflation rate is high, the value of a unit of currency is reduced and larger sums of money are required to purchase the same quantity of goods or services. This rise in the general price level and reduction in the real value of money is inflation.

Year on Year Inflation

The Inflation can be measured by computing percentage change in current month CPI from month to month or percent change from the same month of the prior year, according to the following formula:

Annual Rate of Inflation (or) Average Rate of Inflation

The average rate of inflation is computed monthly CPI growth rate within a year taking 12 month of year, according to the following formula:

Gold Price

Gold prices are collected from gold dealer by daily for the highest, lowest, and the average prices of 24 carat and 22 carat gold in Yangon.

Cooperative Statistics

Statistics on cooperative activities are provided by the Cooperative Department. The major objective of cooperative society is to procure, produce, and distribute essential goods and services to the consumers through the respective cooperative societies.

Cooperative statistics shows the Number of Societies, Number of Members Paid-Up Share Capital, Saving, Loan, Work Extension Fund, Social/Culture Fund, General Fund, Liabilities, Net Profit, and Working Capital from cooperative societies.


Public Finance

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Budget has been classified into the Union Budget and State and Region Budget since 1st October 2011-2012.

Nay Pyi Taw Development Committee is drawn on the basis of self-financing since 2006-2007.

Some of the State-Owned Economic Enterprises under the Ministry of Transport have been carried out their functions outside the Union Fund and Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation since 2013-2014 and Mandalay Electricity Supply Corporation have been carried out their functions with their own fund since 2015-2016.

Social Security has been carried out their functions outside the Union Fund except for services personal wages and salaries since 2013-2014.

Central Bank of Myanmar is carried out its functions with its own fund beginning from 2015-2016.

State Economic Enterprise (SEE) budget is included in umbrella of the Union Budget. In 2018 (6) month Fiscal Year there was 32 State Economic Enterprises (SEEs). Among these 32 SEEs, 20 SEEs have been used Own Fund Account and SEE Account, 7 SEEs that are Financial Institutions which have been used only SEE Account and other 5 of SEEs are outside of the union fund which have been used Current Account. If SEE get profit, 25% of the net profit are paid as income tax, 20% of net profit are put into the Union Fund as state contribution.

In 2018-2019 Fiscal Year, State Economic Enterprise also which depends on their OA balance. Eight of SEEs have been used their own fund for all expenditures. Five of SEEs have been used their own fund for current expenditures and used union fund for the capital and financial expenditure. Six of SEEs have been used their own fund for current expenditure on the purchase of raw materials, commercial tax, income tax, State Contribution, operating cost, administrative and research cost and distribution cost and used for union fund for the rest of current expenditure, capital and financial expenditure.

One of SEE has been used their own fund for current expenditure on the 50% of purchase of raw materials, commercial tax, income tax, State Contribution, operating cost, administrative and research cost and used union fund contribution cost and for the rest of current expenditure, capital and financial expenditure. If SEEs get profit, they shall be paid as income tax according to the Union Tax Law and 20% shall be paid to the state contribution to the Union Fund.

According to the Agreement of the Cabinet meeting, changed the fiscal year from October 1 to September 30 instead of April 1 to March 31 and it recorded by second session of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

Government Debt Stock

Government debt stock refers to the total value of the government debt that a government owes to all external and domestic lenders.

Domestic Debt Stock

Domestic debt stock is the debt that the government owes to Central Bank of Myanmar, State-Owned Banks, Private Banks, Foreign Banks Branches and Securities Companies.

External Debt Stock

External debt stock is the debt that the government owes to foreign lenders like ADB, World Bank and etc.

Repayment Principle

Repayment Principle is the remaining amount of the periodic payment that is used to reduce the outstanding loan amount.

Money Supply

Money Supply is the total value of money available in an economy at a point of time. There are several ways to define money such as M1, M2 and M3, etc.

Money Supply (M1) or Narrow Money covers currency outside depository corporations and transferable deposits at banks.

Currency outside Depository Corporations

Currency outside Depository Corporations is the domestic currency included in broad money and is complied as currency in circulation less currency holdings in the vaults of other depository corporations (banks).

Transferable (Demand) deposits

Transferable (Demand) deposits comprise all deposits that are exchangeable on demand at par, without penalty or restriction, and that are otherwise commonly used to directly make payments.

People's Savings(Other Deposits)

People's savings or other deposits comprise all claims, other than transferable deposits, that are represented by evidence of deposits. It includes saving deposits, time deposits, saving certificates, and other types of deposits.

Foreign Exchange Rates

Starting from 2012-2013, managed floating foreign exchange rate is used. Starting from 1st April 2013, the daily reference foreign exchange rates are obtained from Central Bank of Myanmar.

Since 5th February 2019, the Reference Exchange Rate of Myanmar Kyat equivalent to one unit of the US Dollar is computed and published by the Central Bank of Myanmar on its website every bank business day at 16:00.

The Reference Exchange Rate is calculated based on weighted average rate of interbank and bank-customer trades on the daily Foreign Exchange market during the calculation period (from 9:00 to 15:00 of the calculation day).

The Reference Exchange Rate is an indicative rate and participants in the foreign exchange market are not required to use it in their foreign exchange transactions. The Reference Exchange Rate of the previous bank business day can be used for settling customs obligations, accounting and statistical purposes.

Treasury Bonds

Issuing Government Treasury Bonds before 2016

On behalf of the Government, the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) has issued the 3-years and 5-years Government Treasury Bonds since 1993. On January 1st, 2010, CBM issued 2-years Government Treasury Bonds and the interest rates of 2-years, 3-years and 5-years Government Treasury Bonds are 8.75%, 9% and 9.5% respectively.

Issuance of Government Treasury Bills and Bonds by Auction

In order to reduce CBM Financing, the Government Treasury Bill has been issuing since January 28th, 2015 and Bond has been issuing since September 20th, 2016 with Scripless System in line with the international standards. According to the Agency Agreement between Ministry of Planning and Finance (MoPF) and CBM, CBM is acting as the agent of MoPF but Treasury Department manages all process on behalf of MoPF for the issuance of Government Securities.

Multiple price system for competitive bidders and Market Weighted Average Yield for non-competitive bidders has been practiced in Treasury Bill and Bond Auction.

In Government Securities Auctions, there are two types of bidders, Competitive and Non-Competitive Bidder. Myanma Economic Bank is only one Non-Competitive Bidder which is the largest amount invested in Treasury Securities and other State-Owned Banks, Private Banks, Foreign Banks Branches and Securities Companies are Competitive Bidders. Insurance Companies, Institutional Investors and Individual Investors can purchase Government Securities through the Securities Companies. All information related to Government Securities Auction (including Auction Calendar, Auction Announcement, Auction Result, and Related Documents) are uploaded on the Website of CBM and the Website of MoPF.

Government Treasury Bill with the maturity of 3-month, 6-month and 1-year have been issued and the total Auction is 108 times up to September 2019. Government Treasury Bond with the maturity of 2-year, 2 and half year, 3-year, 4-year and 5-year have been issued and the total Auction is 25 times up to September 2019.

Interest Rates

Central bank rate, interest on treasury bills and bonds, deposit rates and lending rates are shown in table 16.19.

Central Bank Survey

Central Bank Survey in table 16.20 shows the components of monetary base and its assets that are compiled based on the Central Bank's balance sheet data.

Other Depository Corporations Survey

Other Depository Corporations Survey in table 16.21 shows the assets and liabilities positons that are compiled based on the consolidated balance sheets data of domestic banks which are Myanma Economic Bank, Myanma Foreign Trade Bank, Myanma Investment and Commercial Bank, Myanma Agricultural Development Bank, Private Banks and Foreign Bank Branches.

Foreign Exchange Reserves

Foreign Exchange reserves in table 16.22 include gold and foreign currencies. Previously, gold was valued at SDR 35 per fine troy ounce and converted into Kyat at the official exchange rate of K 8.50847 per SDR. Since 1997, the value of gold in the foreign exchange reserves has been based on London Gold Market rate. Foreign currencies are valued at the reference rates.

Depository Corporations Survey

Depository Corporations Survey consolidates the Central Bank Survey and the Other Depository Corporations Survey. In table 16.23 it shows the monetary aggregates positions, and assets that are claims on other sectors of the domestic economy.

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