FIGURE 1.1 Monthly Temperature and Rainfall, 2012-2021 (Average)
FIGURE 1.2 Population Proportion to the Union
FIGURE 1.3 Population Distribution
FIGURE 1.4 Dependency Ratios
FIGURE 1.5 Population by Religion
FIGURE 1.6 Estimated Population
FIGURE 1.7 Number of Foreigners Residing, 2021
FIGURE 2.1 Leading Causes of Mortality, Public Hospitals, 2019
FIGURE 2.2 Public Hospital Beds
FIGURE 2.3 Number of Pensioners, 2020/2021
FIGURE 2.4 Percentage of Expenditures on Pension, 2020/2021
FIGURE 3.1 Age-Specific Mortality Rate (Log Scale) by Sex and Age of Decedent, Union, 2020
FIGURE 4.1 Crime Rate, per 100,000 inhabitants
FIGURE 4.2 Narcotic Offences by States and Regions, 2021
FIGURE 4.3 Traffic Accidents by States and Regions, 2021
FIGURE 5.1 Number of Schools by Education Level
FIGURE 5.2 Number of Teachers by Education Level
FIGURE 5.3 Number of Students by Education Level
FIGURE 6.1 Educational Attainment among Adults Aged 15 and over, by Age Group
FIGURE 6.2 Student Educational Expenditure Shares, by Educational Expense and School Level
FIGURE 6.3 Percentage of Ill or Injured Individuals Seeking Different Types of Treatment, by Residential Area
FIGURE 6.4 Percentage of Ill or Injured Individuals Seeking Different Types of Treatment, by Proximity to Medical Facilities
FIGURE 6.5 Daily Newspaper Circulations
FIGURE 6.6 Published Books by Type, 2021
FIGURE 7.1 Labour Force Participation Rate by States and Regions, 2019
FIGURE 7.2 Percent of Female Employed in Government Sector
FIGURE 8.1 Gross Domestic Product (Current Producers' Prices)
FIGURE 8.2 Annual Growth Rates of Gross Domestic Product
FIGURE 8.3 Share of Gross Domestic Product (Current Producers' Prices)
FIGURE 9.1 Percentage of Area Classified by Type of Land, 2020/2021
FIGURE 9.2 Sown Acreage and Production of Paddy
FIGURE 9.3 Livestock Breeding
FIGURE 9.4 Fishery Production
FIGURE 10.1 Extraction of Teak and Hardwood Logs
FIGURE 10.2 Local Distribution of Teak and Hardwood
FIGURE 11.1 Total Cost of Completed Residential Buildings (Public)
FIGURE 11.2 Completed Construction of Schools
FIGURE 11.3 Production of Crude Oil
FIGURE 11.4 Production of Natural Gas
FIGURE 11.5 Production of Electric Power
FIGURE 11.6 Production of Electric Power Generation by Type
FIGURE 11.7 Technology Characteristics of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
FIGURE 11.8 Reason for Recruitment Difficulties in Hiring Workers of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
FIGURE 11.9 Important Implications of Recruiting Methods of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
FIGURE 12.1 Number of Hotels, Motels and Inns/ Guest Houses by state-owned, 2016/2017, 2020-2021
FIGURE 12.2 Number of Hotels, Motels and Inns/ Guest Houses by Private -owned, 2016/2017, 2020-2021
FIGURE 12.3 Number of Hotels, Motels and Inns/ Guest Houses by cooperative-owned, 2016/2017, 2020-2021
FIGURE 13.1 Value of Foreign Trade
FIGURE 13.2 Export and Import by Air, Sea, Land and PipeLine
FIGURE 13.3 Direction of Export by Major Country/ Region
FIGURE 13.4 Direction of Import by Major Country/ Region
FIGURE 13.5 Foreign Investment by Sector, 2020/2021
FIGURE 13.6 Foreign Investment of Permitted Enterprises
FIGURE 13.7 Myanmar Citizens Investment by Sector, 2020/2021
FIGURE 13.8 Myanmar Citizens Investment of Permitted Enterprises
FIGURE 14.1 Volume of Passengers and Freight Carried by Types of Public Transport
FIGURE 14.2 Registered Motor Vehicles by Type in Yangon and Other Areas
FIGURE 14.3 Communication Statistics
FIGURE 14.4 Communication Statistics (Number of Internet Users)
FIGURE 15.1 Consumer Price Index for Union by Group
FIGURE 15.2 CPI & Year on Year Inflation for Union
FIGURE 15.3 Year on Year Inflation for Union, States & Regions, 2020/2021
FIGURE 16.1 Summary of the Union Budget
FIGURE 16.2 Receipts from Taxes and Duties
FIGURE 16.3 Revenue and Expenditure by States and Regions, 2020/2021
FIGURE 16.4 Domestic Debt Stock
FIGURE 16.5 Money Supply
FIGURE 16.6 People's Savings
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