Central Statistical Organization adopted the National Indicator Framework in June 2021. NIF includes 281 indicators for 28 MSDP strategies, in average of 10.04 indicators per strategy. In the NIF, share of SDG indicators is 41% and National Indicators is 59%. Moreover, 70% of indicators can be measure annually while 6 % will be measured every 2 years, and the rest, 24% need to be measured through wide-scale survey, that usually take place every 3-5 years. Among those NIF indicators, 70% of the indicators focus on strategic level while 30% on the action plan level.
Criteria | Targets | Final Draft MSDP-NIF |
Number of Indicators | Total: 280, per strategy 10 | Total 281, per strategy:10.04 |
Level (2=strategic level; 1=project level) |
70% level 2; 30% Level 1 | 70% level 2; 30% Level 1 |
Origin (SDG vs. national indicators) |
40-50% SDG indicators | 41% SDG indicators; 59% national indicators |
Cross-cutting principles | All strategies reflecting 3 principles (social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and conflict sensitivity |
Social inclusion : 43% Environmental: 27% Conflict sensitivity : 54% |
Title | File Size | Entered Date | File |
National Indicator Framework (NIF).pdf | 69,844 KB | 2021-6-29 |