Statistics Overview
18 February 2025
Money Changer Counter Rate (CBM) - 1 USD
Bank-Customer Market Rate (CBM) - 1 USD
Reference Exchange Rate (CBM) - 1 USD
Gold Price (24 carat) 1 tikal
5490000 Kyats
Export 1
US $ 11020.01 Million
US $ 9054.12 Million
Total Trade
US $ 20074.13 Million
Trade Balance
US $ 1965.89 Million
(April-Dec, 2024-2025) (P)
Telephone in use (Per 1000 people) 1,160 (2023-24)(Apr-Mar)
Internet user(Per 1000 people) 1,031 (2023-24)(Apr-Mar)
Car use (Per 1000 people) 19.16 (2023-24)(Apr-Mar)
Foreign Exchange Reserves 15,823,565.45 Million kyats 2022 (As of December 31, 2022)
GDP 140,190.99 (Billion Kyats) (2023-2024) (End of March)
GDP Per Capita 2,492,595 (Kyats) (2023-2024) (End of March)
GDP Growth Rate 3.5% (2023-2024) (End of March)
Per Capita Investment
688,742 (Kyats) (2023-2024) (End of March)
Permitted Amount of Foreign Direct Investment
661.62 (Million US$) (2023 2024) (Apr-Mar)
Permitted Amount of Myanmar Citizens Investment
1,982.783.94 (Million Kyats) (2023-2024) (Apr-Mar)
Forest Cover Status in Myanmar (2023-2024)
42.19 (p) (% of total land area)
Area Classified By Type of Land Net Area Sown
(exclusive of squatter) (2023-2024)
29843 (Thousand Acres)
Population (million), 2022-2023
Total 55.77
Male 26.66
Female 29.11
Population Growth Rate (%), 2022-2023 0.84
Population Density (Per sq Km), 2024 82
*Projected Population as of October 1.
International Tourist Arrivals, 2022-2023 (Number)
Total 367,368
By Air 149,819
By Sea 63,261
By Land 154,288
Labour Force (million), 2019
Total 22.28
Male 12.88
Female 9.40
Working Age Population (15+) (million), 2019
Total 37.50
Male 17.09
Female 20.41
Employment (million), 2019
Total 22.18
Male 12.83
Female 9.35
Life Expectancy 67.4 (Both Sexes) 2022
Life Expectancy 62.7 (Male) 2022
Life Expectancy 72.1 (Female) 2022
Selected Monthly Economic Indicators
Foreign Trade | Analysis
Foreign Trade is the exchange of capital, goods and services
between different countries or territories. The pattern of foreign trade in a country changes along with its economic
Production | Analysis
Production statistics represent the volume of production of selected manufacturing commodities,
electric power generation, precious minerals and pearls,
Price | Analysis
Consumer Price Index measures the average change in the retail prices of goods and services purchased and consumed by the households. The weights are based on 2012 Household Income and Expenditure Survey conducted
Finance | Analysis
This Chapter deals with Money Supply, People’s Savings, Treasury Bonds, Domestic Interest Rates, International currency exchange, Customs Duties and Revenue from taxes. The transferable deposits in Foreign Banks are counted
Investment | Analysis
Investment is an important factor to sustain economic growth. Thus, Myanmar has encouraged domestic and foreign investors to invest in various economic sectors. In 2017-2018, April to March
Transportation And Travel | Analysis
Transportation statistics comprises of domestic public transport,road transportation and merchant shipping. Domestic Public Transport described freight ton-miles
Labour and Employment | Analysis
Labour and Employment is a critical factor in the production of goods and services for both domestic and international use. Thus, the improvement of the quality